There is more than just DNA evidence missing from Mr. Morton's case. His child told police that a monster attacked their mother, yet that was not mentioned in court either. Clearly Morton’s child would know if it was dad that killed mom. Needless to say I agree with you that killing a person who has killed another is completely wrong. Soldiers in foreign wars are not allowed to shot first and ask questions later. It is to detain, then if the attacker is firing on to you, you fire back. In most cases if a soldier takes the life of an innocent then his/she will be prosecuted. I understand people argue that it costs tax payers money to keep the real murderers in jail and in some cases like Charles Mansion and Timothy McVeigh they need to be put down for the horrors they have committed but these are still human beings with mothers and fathers. Think of how devastating it is to know when your son or daughter is going to die.
Made in America
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Did You Know?

Something about this doesn’t seem right at all. This is only considered legal because Senators and Congressmen created the law to exclude themselves, and that also excludes family members of those in political power, staff and aides who also benefit from insider trading. Those in Washington D.C. need to remain true to their calling of serving others and not focused on making a profit. We need to hold them accountable to the American people because the job they hold is for the common good and not for personal gain.
60 Minutes recently highlighted the abomination in which Congressmen and Senators are able to create laws which apply to all Americans and then not be held responsible to follow them; particularly pertaining to the rule of insider trading. It was amazing to see how many when they were quoted said they had a financial advisor take care of their investments, so there was no way for any corruption. However, their financial records told a story all their own.
A problem arises when the checks and balances of a system no longer apply to those who oversee others. The privileges and knowledge that Senators and Congressmen get behind closed doors is something that is extremely unfair when used for personal gain. The men and women of the government need to remember why they are in office: for the American people. Their job is not one of self-service but instead meant to be one of public-service to us, the people.
I think the problem needs to be fixed by putting the Congressman’s and Senator’s stocks in a blind trust while in office and up to a year after.
Friday, November 11, 2011
More to follow

It was clearly put that the only reason American soldiers are being pulled out of Iraq is because they will no longer have immunity, but that immunity is not for special actions but for their military actions and responsibilities, so they must leave. This time last year President Obama had a press conference and said “congratulations, the troops are out of Iraq” when in fact I know people who saw that live, from Iraq, as they were still fighting.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
A Time for Change
Political greed has become what drives the political process, and only those with money or influence have any chance of being heard or actually represented by politicians. Lobbyists have been buying politicians votes since the 1800’s. How can that still be legal? Why in a country for the people, by the people, is the government putting its greed before its citizens? The Children of Freedom should destroy political parties altogether, and focus on the person running for office and what they believe in. Too many people in political power have agendas or underlying motives that they want to accomplish rather than focusing on representing the people.
Five leaders of this country and the Commander in Chief at the time, used reasons of personal gain to send a country to war under false pretenses; resulting in getting thousands of American men and women killed. This was all so those few, the 1%, of Americans that control most of the money could make a profit/ stamp on history: It was all about greed.

Sunday, October 9, 2011
Blame it on Alabama
Karoli posts on her blog for Crooks and Liars an ethnically charged article called, In Alabama, It Goes Like This: No ID, No Water. This is about new immigration laws passed in Alabama and the water company’s interpretation of how they should be applied to the residents. It’s interesting to note that in her article, not only does she not name the company, but is very vague on all other details other than the state with which she is making a point about. Which leaves two conclusions, she doesn’t want backlash from the company, or she could be making it up to prove a larger point about immigration, and how we should treat others.
The author is clearly targeting liberal humanitarians to enrage their moral concern about the new laws passed by the state of Alabama but her argument is vague, with biased interpretation of facts. She claims that denying water without a state issued ID card is breaking U.N. sanctions and hyperlinks to the Articles of the U.N., but nowhere in the articles does it state that because they are immigrants in this situation, that they are entitled to running water.
Most countries that are still developing don’t have water inside their homes and Americans didn’t until the late 1800s. If you’re making money in a country illegally, then you’re not paying the proper taxes while residing in that community. So go ahead and buy the over priced gallon jugs of water at the local store to bathe and cook with and put some of that money back into the economy instead of sending it out of the country. Running water is a luxury and frankly if we had harder immigration laws this would not even be an argument to begin with because we still are not kicking the illegal immigrants out, but just taking an American citizen amenity away.
Most countries that are still developing don’t have water inside their homes and Americans didn’t until the late 1800s. If you’re making money in a country illegally, then you’re not paying the proper taxes while residing in that community. So go ahead and buy the over priced gallon jugs of water at the local store to bathe and cook with and put some of that money back into the economy instead of sending it out of the country. Running water is a luxury and frankly if we had harder immigration laws this would not even be an argument to begin with because we still are not kicking the illegal immigrants out, but just taking an American citizen amenity away.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Dr. Alex B. Berezow does a great job of breaking down the issues because as an editor of RealClearScience, he helps authors and bloggers present a balanced political viewpoint on political and scientific issues. His PhD in Microbiology gives him the scientific background to know what is true and what is theory; in regards to science.
In his column for USA Today titled “GOP might be anti-science, but so are Democrats” he discusses how science has no party lines, and shouldn’t be brought into the political process because when you break it down to the individual level beyond Republican or Democrat, many politicians and “progressives” question science. His column tries to reach out to the intelligent, politically-minded individuals with some background or knowledge of scientific matters.
In his column for USA Today titled “GOP might be anti-science, but so are Democrats” he discusses how science has no party lines, and shouldn’t be brought into the political process because when you break it down to the individual level beyond Republican or Democrat, many politicians and “progressives” question science. His column tries to reach out to the intelligent, politically-minded individuals with some background or knowledge of scientific matters.
We say that there is a clear distinction between government and religion, but don’t morals fall into the religion category? Berezow shows how we’ve all been able to poke fun at Rick Perry lately for his comments made about the theory of evolution and his religious views. But many don’t realize that Democrats are no better in their lack of scientific knowledge. I agree with his argument that when science battles politics, science usually loses.
A good example of this is the article in Science Insider showing the direct link between 89% of Whole Food stores located in counties that favored Democrat Barack Obama in 2008 and that many in those areas are into natural things and the anti-vaccine movement. And, Berezow states, “Unlike denying evolution, refusing vaccinations can be deadly.” These results that show Democrats themselves are not always science supporters.
Politicians like to meddle in the science realm, without any knowledge of it. Like I’ve said in previous arguments, if you don’t know enough about something, why get involved until you have the proper knowledge or desire to become more informed before making a snap judgment. Since the existence of church and science, it’s been a battle of who’s right and who is wrong, not what is right and what is wrong. Voters and political supporters confuse the politician’s views with the issues because people get involved where they have no business getting involved.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I Want YOU to Read This Post!
There is an article by the New York Times, Many Iraqis Have Second Thoughts as U.S. Exit Nears written by Michael S. Schmidt, published September 10th 2011, which I found really interesting and insightful. The news story is very moving to me because I have a lot of friends that live in Baghdad. They tell me of all the good that has been happening up until about four months ago. A friend of mine told me that one command is planning to destroy hundreds of homes and displace thousands of people to build a no man’s land to surround the Americans last base from attacks.
The article highlights problems facing Iraqis, mainly that there is still no trust in the local Government infrastructures due to the fear of a corrupt leadership and the strong differences in the religious views of the political majority versus the minority. At first Iraqi citizens didn’t want American there, now they feel that the American troop withdrawal of Iraq would destroy an already fractured nation. It’s a non-biased look into the Iraqi citizen’s point of view and I feel that Americans will have a big decision to make soon in regards to this current issue.
The article highlights problems facing Iraqis, mainly that there is still no trust in the local Government infrastructures due to the fear of a corrupt leadership and the strong differences in the religious views of the political majority versus the minority. At first Iraqi citizens didn’t want American there, now they feel that the American troop withdrawal of Iraq would destroy an already fractured nation. It’s a non-biased look into the Iraqi citizen’s point of view and I feel that Americans will have a big decision to make soon in regards to this current issue.
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