Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Time for Change

Political greed has become what drives the political process, and only those with money or influence have any chance of being heard or actually represented by politicians.  Lobbyists have been buying politicians votes since the 1800’s.  How can that still be legal?  Why in a country for the people, by the people, is the government putting its greed before its citizens?  The Children of Freedom should destroy political parties altogether, and focus on the person running for office and what they believe in.  Too many people in political power have agendas or underlying motives that they want to accomplish rather than focusing on representing the people.
Five leaders of this country and the Commander in Chief at the time, used reasons of personal gain to send a country to war under false pretenses; resulting in getting thousands of American men and women killed.  This was all so those few, the 1%, of Americans that control most of the money could make a profit/ stamp on history: It was all about greed.  
Americans need a person that will stand for the ideals of what America used to be!  They need more than a two party system, so they are not stuck voting for the lesser of two evils.  Maybe if five people ran for president, all of whom had an equal chance, people would vote for who they actually liked and trusted.  Most American citizens no longer feel that what they think matters or that their vote counts. Shame on those that take away what little glimmer of light and ideals they had left and replaced it with cold, hard, passionless, politics.  Politicians these days act more like movie stars and care more about how they appear than what they are actually saying to the public whom they represent.  They fight more along party lines than most five year olds do over toys.  It is more about them and what they want than what America wants.  This cannot continue.  All eight of the Republication candidates for the presidential election keep talking about what America wants and needs, but did they ever ask?  Or did they decide for everyone else?  The people need their voice to be heard.  People don’t always join politics as greedy individuals, but if they let it, politics will corrupt their soul. It is inevitable that one becomes like those they hang around, and politicians have been vultures for a very long time.

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